Home Improvement

One Stop Cooling, Heating & Ventilation – The Future is Here

One Stop Cooling, Heating & Ventilation – The Future is Here

There’s no getting away from where technology is leading us, and this can be seen from every perspective in modern society. Climate control is a relatively new term to our ears, yet it encompasses every aspect of the interior atmosphere, namely, heating, cooling and ventilation, the latter being critical to a healthy environment, and what used to involve several contractors can now be effectively delivered by a single HVAC specialist.

Driven by Demand

In the UK, it wasn’t that long ago when air conditioning was virtually unseen, and would often be the brunt of jokes about the terrible British weather, yet with global warming, and some of the hottest summers on record, a/c is now a part of our lives. Technology in the form of heat exchange and more efficient systems has seen the birth of HVAC systems, and not just for commercial purposes, with the majority of new homes now incorporating HVAC, which effectively manages the climate all year round.

Heat Pump Technology

The core being HVAC systems is the heat pump, which effectively transfers cold air to warm, or vice versa, depending on the time of year, and this could be air to air, or air to water, depending on the heating system. Air to air involves sending warm air through a series of ducts throughout the house, while air to water can be used in conjunction with an existing water central heating system. Whether you want to upgrade your existing set up, or create a new climate control system, the heat pump is ideal, as it takes exterior air and heats it up before sending it around the interior. This ultra-efficient energy transfer results in an affordable climate control system, and with regular maintenance, your HVAC system has you covered in all weathers.


Often overlooked, incorrect or poor ventilation will have a serious impact on the air quality, and should a building not have correct ventilation, the service engineer would remedy this using vents and extractors. If you happen to live in Sussex or surrounding counties, simply contact H & D Air Conditioning, who have been creating bespoke HVAC solutions for homeowners and businesses for many years, and whether you require servicing, repairs, or a new HVAC system designed, they are the people to talk to.

Comprehensive Solutions

For the first time, a single contractor can take care of the system that will deliver the perfect, year round climate control, and typically, the company would handle every aspect of the project, and would design, build and install a bespoke system that gives energy efficient climate control. The best way to source such a company is with a Google search, and typically they would offer an extensive range of heating, cooling and ventilation solutions for both domestic and commercial properties. A major part of their work would involve servicing systems they installed, and with ongoing support, the customer can relax, safe in the knowledge they have climate control well and truly covered.

If you are planning a central heating revamp, it might be an idea to consult with an established HVAC supplier, and you might be surprised at your options.

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